Today's DateApril 29, 2024
How Safe Are Apps on Google Play Store?

How Safe are Apps on Google Play Store?

If you own an Android smartphone, then there is a very high chance that you are familiar with Google Play Store. Although all smartphones come with basic pre-installed apps, most users download a massive collection of useful third-party apps, this articles cover how safe are apps on Google Play store?

To avoid viruses and malware, mobile developers always advise Android users to download apps only from the official store.

However, this does not necessarily mean that there are no viruses in the apps on Google Play. To its credit, Google Play Protect does ensure that most apps that contain malware are screened out.

This is Google’s built-in malware protection and safety check program that automatically scans apps on the Store. It also warns a user about potentially harmful apps and removes them from the device. 

Technically, Android devices are safe from malware unless the user manually changes the security settings. Unfortunately, cybercriminals have become criminally innovative by hiding malware inside apps that seem harmless. Once they are uploaded, millions of users presume it is safe and go ahead to download them. 

For instance, in 2016, experts found about 400 games and other programs on Google Play that contained the DressCode Trojan malware. Once downloaded, the malware creates a connection with the command-and-control server and falls asleep.

Cybercriminals could then use the infected sleeper to infiltrate the home network or infrastructure to which the device is connected.

Also, in 2017 a software technology company discovered about 50 apps infected with malware that charged users’ phone bills for fraudulent messages. Similarly, a fake WhatsApp update that contained commercial display ads was uploaded on Google Play.

Millions of users had downloaded these infected apps before anyone became any wiser and alerted Google to remove them. 

How To Detect When You Have Downloaded a Malicious App

In all fairness, there are far fewer malicious apps on the PlayStore than on any other app market. But sadly, it would be nearly impossible to eliminate all the risks of a user downloading a malicious app. According to Google, the popularity of the Android ecosystem makes it an attractive target for bad players abusing it for their gain. 

Therefore users can no longer rely only on Google security measures to detect and fight off mobile malware and viruses. While it may be difficult to know for sure if you have installed an infected app, here are a few signs to watch for:

  • Your phone’s performance reduces, becoming slower than normal.
  • Random apps that you are sure you didn’t download suddenly appear.
  • Pop-up ads just keep showing up on your screen.
  • An app begins to ask for unnecessary permissions.
  • Your identity gets stolen or you notice strange charges on your account.

However, some of these symptoms could have very legitimate explanations. For instance, your phone may become slower because it is running low on storage space. Strange transactions and debit alerts may be a result of your unguarded activity which concerns your bank details on another platform, and so on. 

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How To Avoid Downloading Malicious Apps On PlayStore

To protect yourself and reduce the likelihood of you downloading an infected app, here are some rules to follow:

  • Read users’ reviews about apps before you download them. No one likes to be ripped off and most people are quick to write negative reviews about shady apps. Most users will warn others of malicious apps through written reviews. You can also check for other apps the developer has uploaded and what users have to say about them. This will give you a fair idea if the developer is an unscrupulous one. 
  • Update your Android Operating System. Newer versions of the Android operating system are released almost yearly. They are shipped with updated security measures that protect your device. If your device is more than a year old, it is a good idea to update your OS. 
  • Delete unused apps every few months. Sometimes you have dormant apps that you have not used for months or even years. It may be time to let them go already. The fewer apps you have, the easier it is for you to monitor and control them. 
  • Use a good antivirus program. There are lots of recommendable antivirus software for Android devices. Most of them have free versions, but you can decide to pay for a premium version for additional features and protection.

To Conclude

Google Play Protect is the malware/virus check system that screens apps uploaded on the Play Store. However, this is not entirely foolproof and some infected apps do pass undetected. Android users must take extra precautions before downloading apps off the Store. These include reading users’ reviews, updating their devices’ operating systems, and getting a good antivirus. 

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