Software Development Training with JavaScript

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About The Training

During the course of this training, we will take an in depth look at software development using JavaScript ES6+, React, Redux, Node.js and MongoDB along with the basic building block of HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 4. Each participant in this training will learn to build a full stack application which will be hosted on Heroku. We will also be deploying codes to a GitHub library as the training progresses. We will start with a blank text editor and end with a deployed full stack application.

Technologies To be Taught

Software Development Training Using JavaScript

Download Timetable
  • Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm
  • Date: 16th Sep'24 - 20th Dec'24
  • Prize: ₦250,000.00
  • Time: 10:0am - 6:pm
  • Date: 14th Sep'24 - 21st Dec'24
  • Price: ₦300,000.00
Training Venue

Alabian Solutions Limited Infinite Grace Plaza Plot 4 Oyetubo Street off Obafemi Awolowo Way Ikeja Lagos

Software Training Requirement

  • No Coding experiences
    No previous coding (programing) skill set is required for this training, as the training can be taken by somebody with zero skill in programming. The training will be intense so participant will end the training with skill they can use to build and deploy a full stack JavaScript app.
  • Skill Requirement Web Design
    No previous web technology skill set is required for this training but all student are expected to have good computer usage skill.
  • Hardware Requirement
    Students are expected to come for the training with a laptop that has Wireless LAN, minimum 2Gb RAM, minimum free space on hard disk should be 50Gb minimum Dual Core CPU and USB port.
  • Software Requirement
    All students are expected to have PDF reader and Microsoft office installed in their system. Any other software need will be provided by us.

About Git

Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes made to files and also for coordinating work done on those files among multiple people. It is primarily used for source-code management in software development. Participants will learn how to use these tools for working in team


Git is a powerful version control system that allows you to keep track of changes made to your codebase over time. It helps you to collaborate with others more efficiently by tracking changes, merging code changes, and resolving conflicts.


Introduction to Version ControlL

  • What is Version Control
  • Why is Version Control Important
  • Types of Version Control

Introduction to Git

  • What is Git
  • Installing Git
  • Configuring Git
  • Git workflow

Git Basics

  • Creating a Git Repository
  • Cloning a Git Repository
  • Basic Git Commands (add, commit, push, pull, status)

Git Branching

  • Understanding Branching
  • Creating and Deleting Branches
  • Merging Branches
  • Merging Branches
  • Resolving Merge Conflicts

Git Remote

  • Adding Remote Repositories
  • Pushing and Pulling Changes
  • Fetching and Pulling Changes

Git Collaboration

  • Collaborating with Others
  • Gitignore

About HTML 5

Participants will learn the basics of HTML5, the training will start with instruction on how set up their IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and upload files to a live web server with an ftp client. They will go over HTML5 basics like valid document structure, and the usefulness of writing good HTML5 semantic tags. Each participant is expected to produce a webpage using the tags learnt in this module.


HTML is the foundation of web development, and understanding it is essential for anyone who wants to build web applications. Knowing HTML will help you understand how web pages are structured, how they are displayed in a web browser, and how they interact with other web technologies.?


Overview of HTML

  • HTML Tags
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Comments
  • Heading
  • Paragraphs
  • Text Formatting
  • Quotations
  • Links
  • Images
  • Tables
  • Lists
  • Block and Inline Elements
  • HTML Style Guide
  • Iframes
  • File Paths
  • Audio/Video
  • Viewport meta tag for Responsive web Design

About CSS 3

We will teach participants from the very basics of CSS3 to some fairly advanced concepts like floating, CSS rule conflict resolution, flexbox etc. We will also be taught the 'box model', background property, CSS3 font and even browser developers’ tool. This module will be culminated by converting the webpages created in HTML5 modules into a beautiful website.


Knowledge of CSS is a valuable skill in the web development industry, and it can help you advance your career. Many job postings for web developers require knowledge of CSS, and employers are always looking for candidates who can create visually appealing and responsive web pages.



  • Benefits of CSS
  • CSS Syntax
  • How to add CSS to HTML
  • Code commenting in CSS
  • CSS Selectors (ID, Class, Tags, Attributes)
  • CSS Selectors
  • Pseudo-classes
  • Pseudo Elements
  • Applying Colors
  • Background Styling
  • CSS-Text Fonts
  • Height and Width
  • Position
  • Float
  • Flex
  • CSS Borders
  • Box model
  • Margins and Padding
  • Outline in CSS
  • Text Formatting
  • Fonts styling
  • Using Icons
  • Lists
  • CSS Tables
  • DropDowns
  • Styling Forms
  • Website Layout


In this training, we are going to show participant how to build a mobile friendly Web Application with minimal effort using the latest version of Bootstrap. It will amaze you to see how we can simplify the task of Front-end development using Bootstrap.


Bootstrap provides a set of pre-built components and styles that can save a significant amount of time when building web pages. By using Bootstrap, you can focus on customizing and fine-tuning your web pages rather than building everything from scratch.



  • Breakpoints
  • Containers
  • Grid
  • Columns
  • Gutters
  • Utilities
  • Z-index


  • Images
  • Tables
  • Grid
  • Figures


  • Form control
  • Select
  • Checks & radios
  • Input group
  • Input group
  • Layout


  • Accordion
  • Alerts
  • Badge
  • Buttons
  • Button group
  • Card
  • Carousel
  • Close button
  • Collapse
  • List group
  • Modal
  • Navbar


For some of the participants JavaScript will be the first programming language they will be learning. Our instructors will simplify the act of programming. JavaScript will add interactivity to web pages. The module will cover just about everything - from common language constructs and data types to objects, functions, arrays, closures, Document Object Model (DOM) and Browser Object Model (BOM) API. Apart from just adding interactivity to a webpage we teach participant how to use JavaScript to create Web Applications and prepare them for other JavaScript Library they will learn in the training.


JavaScript is the backbone of front-end web development, and it is used to build user interfaces, control animations, and handle user input. By learning JavaScript, you can create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces that enhance the user experience.


Introduction to JavaScript

  • Overview of JavaScript
  • Developer console
  • Adding JavaScript into HTML
  • JavaScript Statements
  • Basic Syntax
  • JavaScript Comments
  • Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

Variables in JavaScript

  • The use of variables?
  • JavaScript Let
  • JavaScript Const
  • JavaScript Reserved Words

Data Types

  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Objects
  • Null
  • Undefined

JavaScript Operators

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • JavaScript Unary Operators
  • Ternary Operator
  • Instanceof Operator


  • If-else
  • Switch Case in JavaScript
  • Break and Continue

Loops in JavaScript

  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • For-in Loop

Javascript functions

  • User-defined functions
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Functions as First-Class Citizens
  • Callback Functions
  • Inbuilt Functions
  • Understanding variable scopes in JavaScript
  • this in JavaScript

Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Introduction to
  • Document Object Model
  • Select Element By Id
  • Select Elements By Name
  • Select Elements By Tag Name
  • Select Elements By Class Names
  • Select Element By CSS Selectors

Traversing elements

  • Get the Parent Element
  • Get Siblings of an Element
  • Get Children of an Element

DOM Manipulating elements

  • Create Elements
  • Append Child Nodes
  • InnerHTML

Javascript Form

  • How to Create a Form with the JavaScript?
  • Form validation

Event handling

  • Introduction to Events
  • Page Load Events
  • The onLoad Event
  • The DOMContent
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events
  • Scroll Events


  • Template Literals
  • Object Literal Syntax
  • Default Parameters
  • Rest Parameters
  • Spread Operator
  • Destructuring

Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Promises
  • Async/await

Error Handling

  • try…catch try…catch…finally
  • Throw an Exception


React.js is a JavaScript library that is use to build interactive User Interfaces (UI) without hassles. It makes creating interactive UI’s fun. Built and maintained by Facebook; React is spreading crazily across the industry, so fast that everybody is hiring a React developer.


learning React is a valuable skill for anyone interested in front-end web development or software engineering. Its reusability, performance, flexibility, community support, job opportunities, and scalability make it a popular and essential tool for building modern web applications.


Introduction to React

  • What is React JS?
  • Why use React instead of JavaScript
  • Project Overview
  • Roadmap

React Setup

  • Environment Setup
  • Creating New Project
  • Analyzing Project Structure

React basics and components

  • Components & Why React is Component-Based?
  • JSX
  • React Elements
  • Building Component
  • Styling Components
  • Dynamic Data in components
  • Passing data using Props

State and event handling

  • Handling Events in React
  • Why are States required?
  • useState() Hook
  • Form Handling
  • Handling form Submission

Contents conditional rendering

  • Rendering of List
  • Importance of key attribute
  • Conditional Statements & Output

Handling side effects

  • What are side effects & useEffect()
  • UseEffect() hook
  • Cleanup function

HTTP Calls using Axios/fetch

  • Making first network Call with fetch
  • Network call using Axios
  • Handling data and states
  • Async and Await
  • Updating the data

Multipage Single page application with react-router

  • Introduction to routIng
  • What is Routing, how it works & installation
  • Basic Routing
  • Link and NavLink
  • Dynamic Routes
  • Nested Routes
  • Redirection and Not Found Page

Global state management with context

  • What is React Context?
  • React context vs Redux
  • When to use React Context?
  • Application of react context


  • Introduction to Redux
  • Actions
  • reducers
  • The Redux store
  • dispatch
  • Connecting Redux to React



Node.js is a Server-side framework that is written for JavaScript programming. The fact that you can now write JavaScript both at the Front-end and Back-end makes JavaScript a much sought-after programming language. A solid understanding of JavaScript will make learning Node.js a breeze. Applications built with Node.js are efficient, fast and performs high.


learning Node.js is a valuable skill for anyone interested in back-end web development or software engineering. Its use of JavaScript, scalability, speed, cross-platform compatibility, large ecosystem, community support, and job opportunities make it a popular and essential tool for building modern server-side applications.



  • What is Node.js
  • Node.js Process Model
  • Install Node.js
  • Node.js Console/REPL
  • Node.js Basics
  • Node.js Modules
  • Local Modules in Node.js
  • Export Modules in Node.js
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • Create Web Server in Node.js
  • Node.js File System
  • Debugging Node.js Application
  • Node Inspector for Debugging
  • Node.js Application
  • Node.js EventEmitter
  • Serving Static Files from Node.js
  • Database Access
  • Node.js Database Access
  • Access MongoDB in Node.js


  • Overview
  • Installation
  • Routing
  • HTTP
  • Methods
  • URL Building
  • Middleware
  • Templating
  • Static
  • Files
  • Form Data
  • Database
  • Authentication
  • RESTful
  • APIs
  • Error handling
  • Debugging



MongoDB is a Database Management System that lets you store your application data. When building software with JavaScript Technologies, we use React to create the User Interface, Node.js to write a program to store, remove, edit and delete data in our MongoDB Database.


MongoDB is a flexible database that can store data in a variety of formats, including JSON, BSON, and CSV. This makes it easy to work with different types of data, such as text, images, and multimedia content.



  • What is MongoDB
  • Install MongoDB
  • MongoDB Basics
  • MongoDB Shell
  • MongoDB Data Types

CRUD Operation

  • Inserting document
  • insertOne
  • insertMany

Selecting documents

  • findOne
  • find

Comparison query operation

  • $eq: Equal To Operator
  • $lt: Less Than Operator
  • $lte: Less Than or Equal To Operator
  • $gt: Greater Than Operator
  • $gte: Greater Than or Equal To Operator
  • $ne: Not Equal To Operator
  • $in: In Operator
  • $nin: Not In Operator

Logical query operator

  • $and: Logical AND Operator
  • $or: Logical OR Operator
  • $not: Logical NOT Operator
  • $nor: Logical NOR Operator

Element query operators

  • $exists
  • $type

Deleting documents

  • deleteOne
  • deleteMany

Array query operators

  • $size
  • $all
  • $elemMatch

Sorting and limiting

  • sort(): Sorting documents
  • limit(): Limiting documents

Updating documents

  • updateOne: Update one Document
  • updateMany: Update Multiple Documents
  • $inc: Increase / Decrease Field Value
  • $min: Update Field Value
  • $max: Update Field Value
  • $mul: Mutiply Field By a Number
  • $unset: Remove Fields
  • $rename: Rename Fields


  • Aggregation Pipeline
  • $avg
  • $count
  • $sum
  • $max
  • $min


  • MongoDB Indexes
  • Create Index
  • Unique Index
  • Compound index
  • Drop Index

Using Mongoose


Frequently Asked Question

What programming languages do you teach?
As a tech company, we offer training and education in a variety of programming languages. Our curriculum is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the technology industry. Some of the programming languages that we teach include but are not limited to: Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP and many others. We strive to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date education in programming languages to ensure that our students are prepared for success in their careers.
What level of programming experience is required to enroll in your courses?
We strive to provide education and training to individuals of all skill levels. Our courses are designed to be accessible to individuals with varying levels of programming experience, from beginners to advanced learners. Some of our courses are designed specifically for individuals who have no prior programming experience, while others are tailored to individuals who have some programming knowledge but wish to expand their skill set. Our instructors and support staff are available to assist students at every step of their learning journey, from selecting the appropriate course to providing guidance and feedback as they progress through the program.
What kind of job opportunities are available after completing your program?
Our goal is to prepare students for successful careers in software development. We work closely with industry partners to ensure that our curriculum is up-to-date and relevant to the job market, and we offer job placement services to help students find employment after completing our program. Graduates of our program have gone on to work for companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500 firms.
What is the duration of your courses?
The duration of our courses varies depending on the specific program, but most courses run for several months. We offer full-time and part-time options to accommodate students' schedules, and we work hard to ensure that our courses are intensive and immersive to maximize learning outcomes.
What is the format of your courses (e.g. online, in-person, hybrid)?
We offer a variety of course formats to meet the needs of different students. Some courses are held in-person at our campus, while others are offered online. We also offer hybrid courses that combine in-person and online instruction.
How much do your courses cost?
The cost of our courses varies depending on the program and format. We strive to keep our tuition affordable while still providing high-quality instruction and resources. We offer financial aid and scholarships to eligible students to help make our programs accessible to a wide range of learners.
Do you offer any job placement services?
Yes, we offer job placement services to our graduates. Our team works closely with industry partners to identify job opportunities and connect students with potential employers. We also offer resume reviews, interview preparation, and other resources to help our students succeed in their job searches.
Who are the instructors for your courses?
Our instructors are experienced professionals with backgrounds in software development, data science, and other technical fields. We carefully vet our instructors to ensure that they have both subject matter expertise and teaching skills, and we provide ongoing professional development to ensure that our instructors are up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies.
What kind of projects will students work on during the program?
Our courses are project-based, which means that students will work on real-world projects throughout the program. The projects are designed to give students hands-on experience with the concepts they are learning, and to help them build a portfolio of work that they can showcase to potential employers. Projects may include web development, app development, data analysis, and more.


Our faculty is made of guys that are enthusiastic about teaching and assisting participant to understand technology been taught. Each of the instructors are working on real life project for clients and also developing a pet project by the side.

Alabi A.

Lead Instructor html, css, bootstrap, php, mysql

Alabi is the Lead Developer at Alabian Solutions Limited and to his credit is NIM/UI a PHP powered Student Management Portal for NIM/UI Postgraduate Diploma in Management. He also freelances as a Web Technology Instructor at Web Academy Nigeria. Alabi will be teaching the backend technologies.

Uwazie Benedict

Instructor html, css, bootstrap, php, python, mysql

Ben is the Training Manager at Alabian Solutions Limited. He is known for his down to earth presentation and clear communication in class room. Some of his works are Alabian Solutions website, Reals Pharmaceutical (a custom Wordpress theme) and he built and implemented a payment system for NIM elearning portal.

Ebhoria Joshua

Instructor React and React Native

Joshua is a graduate of University of Lagos. He is a Javascript enthusiast with a zeal to bring out the best in people. He develops mobile apps with React Native at Alabian Solutions, and would be taking lectures in React and React Native. Among other projects, He was also involved in the development of IBEDC Customer Portal.

Babatunde Odumosu

Instructor java, android

Babatunde Odumosu is an Android developer who has been developing android apps using both Java and Kotlin programming language for over 2 years. I am presently a Google Africa Developer Scholar (GADS) and also a member of the Andela Learning Community in Lagos.

Ogungbure Shola

Instructor html, css, bootstrap, php, laravel

Shola is a PHP developer knowledgeable in writing server-side web application logic and the use of Laravel framework

Enang Favour

Instructor html, css, react, nodejs

Favour is a developer at Alabian solutions with love for javascript He would be taking lectures on the MERN stack, among all these he also assist student with their coding challenges and also building apps

Some Fun Facts

Some stuff are better explained in figures. Our scorecard

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