Today's DateMay 18, 2024
8 Popular Python Frameworks for Building APIs

8 Popular Python Frameworks for Building APIs

Application programming interfaces enable the linking of databases and the sharing of data across apps. APIs allow two applications to communicate with each other without having to understand how the other works. APIs can be easily scaled and used across applications without the need to rewrite new code for each new project. Here are 8 popular python frameworks for building APIs.

As a result, it is critical for Python developers to be able to create APIs using various frameworks in order to connect to other services and create a streamlined workflow. Python is one of the most versatile programming languages designed to withstand the rigors of API development.

It is preferred for API development due to its user-friendliness, less complex syntax, and extensive library support.

Top 8 Python web frameworks

1. Flask Restful

Flask Restful is a Python-based micro-framework for creating micro web services. It has a very lightweight module that allows you to quickly build and implement APIs. With just a few lines of code, you can initialize Flask and begin using it to build your API.

Flask also supports the organization of APIs into modules for more complex APIs with multiple endpoints. You can customize every aspect of your application with Flask by adding custom fields and inputs based on the data type.

2. Eve

Eve is a REST API framework built on Flask and Cerberus that allows developers to create APIs quickly and easily. It easily creates highly customizable RESTful web services. Due to its simplicity, the Eve framework is better suited for small to medium-sized projects.

Full REST and CRUD compliance, customizable endpoints, CORS, Cross-Origin, resource pagination, sorting, and sharing, as well as HATEOAS, Neo4js, data validation, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and filtering are all supported by Eve.

Advanced features like authentication, rate limiting, and caching are included with the tool. Additionally, it has community extensions that facilitate SQL database integration.

3. Django REST

Developers frequently use the Python-based REST framework Django to create incredibly dependable and quick APIs. By default, the tool supports routing, forms, templating, authentication, and management tools.

It has user-friendly building blocks, loops, and conditionals that let programmers quickly write many new lines of code. Django is a powerhouse for handling massive data sets thanks to its integration with MongoDB, DynamoDB, and SQLite. It has multiple built-in authentication policies and supports automatic URL routing.


Serialization is another feature of Django that supports both ORM- and non-ORM-based data sources.
Because it comes with extensive documentation, this is the best tool if you don’t want to rework any existing code or write new code.

Additionally, there is a thriving community that supports newcomers.

4. Falcon

Falcon is a powerful REST framework with a quality assurance focus. Microservices and dependable application backends are created using it. Falcon has a built-in server and debugger and is WSGI compliant, making it compatible with a variety of servers and platforms.

Falcon APIs have a simple and clean design that makes them lightweight. They also require very little setup and are simple to test and maintain.

Falcon is compatible with Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.4+, and 3.5+, as well as routing, integrated unit tests, secure cookies, and URI utilities. It integrates easily with NoSQL and is Pypy compatible.

5. Bottle

Bottle is a simple and lightweight WSGI micro web framework for API development. Other than the Python Standard Library, it is a single-file module with no dependencies. Bottle APIs are created without routing, allowing them to be as simple or complex as needed.

They also have a modular structure that allows you to organize APIs into sub-modules and middleware components. Bottle is compatible with the Mako, Jinja 2, and Cheetah templates.

It includes an HTTP development server and also supports paste, fapws3, bjoern, gae, and cherrypy. The tool includes intelligent routing accounts for cleaner, more customizable, and logical URLs for requests and function calls.

6. TurboGears

TurboGears is a lightweight web framework based on the MVC pattern that generates APIs in both Python and JavaScript. It can be used as a full stack framework or a micro framework.

TurboGears supports multiple template engines, but the main one has always been a fully validated XML template engine. The current version of TurboGears runs on a Kajiki engine template, which makes it faster than Django.

Because of its speed, it performs numerous optimizations behind the scenes to provide high-performance APIs. The following features are supported by Turbo: pagination, authentication, schema migration, caching and templating.

7. FastAPI

One of the fastest and most effective Python API frameworks is FastAPI. It is an all-inclusive web framework package. FastAPI boasts a small coding footprint that, according to the company, makes it possible to write code 200–300% faster than with other API development frameworks.

Other features like authentication, validation and error handling are included. Since the tool is based on asynchronous JavaScript and XML, it is primarily used to create asynchronous web applications. FastAPI offers the Swagger user interface, allowing browser-based API calls and testing.

It makes the claim that it can cut down on code duplication and reduce bugs by 40% that are caused by developer errors. An easy-to-use editor and VSCode/PyCharm with autocompletion are supported by the tool. It has a built-in dependency injection system, security, and authentication to manage all dependencies automatically.

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FastAPI supports GraphQL, SQL databases, NoSQL databases, PyTest, and Starlette in addition to being fully compatible with Pydantic and Starlette.

8. Tornado

Python’s Tornado web framework and asynchronous networking library were created to manage heavy traffic. It has a non-blocking network I/O feature that permits numerous concurrent connections.

Tornado offers a different SDK interface for creating APIs. It is used to build lightweight web application backends and REST API server interfaces with backend business logic.

Tornado can detect and apply source file changes by automatically reloading server connections. It includes an HTTP server and client interface, as well as a WebSocket interface for bidirectional communication with WebSocket servers.

It includes the essential middleware features for handling HTTP requests, templating, and routing.

Third-party login is supported using OpenID, OAuth, and the Graph API. It also supports co-routines, making it ideal for creating long polling and persistent connection-based web backends.


APIs are becoming increasingly popular, and they have become the modern internet’s backbone. Select the ideas.

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